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Concert Song Recordings

  • All of our concert songs are on SmartMusic.  To access these songs, log into your smartmusic account, and then type in the title of the song in the search bar.  Sometimes when you type in the title, many options will appear but they do not all have the same title.  Click on the one that has the correct title and open up your part and enjoy listening/practicing your songs!

    Here are the songs:


    The Star Spangled Banner (this one is on the second page after you hit the one by Mark Williams)  
    A Quiet Christmas
    Chant de Noel
    Who Let the Elves Out?


    The Star Spangled Banner (this one is on the second page after you hit the one by Mark Williams)
    Christmas on the Farm
    Invasion of the Christmas Crabs
    Stompin' on the Housetop