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Assessment Grading

Assessment K-5

Students will be assessed in art in a variety of ways, appropriate to their age/grade and development.  At the completion of large projects, students will be asked to reflect on what they learned. Class may discuss/critique student work as a group to improve vocabulary and analytical skills. Rubrics will also be used to do self-evaluation and by the teacher to assess the meeting of benchmark goals.

Art Report Card Rubrics

Marking Period 1,2 and 3

* = Benchmark (where we want students to be)


Not Meeting Standard


Approaching Standard


Meeting Standard


Exceeding Standard

Does not demonstrate progress towards basic literacy in the following concepts and skills:

·Basic elements of art

·Principals of design

·Understanding cultural influences

·Control of the media being used

·Plan, create, critique and revise a piece of artwork

·Describing, interpreting, analyzing and evaluating artwork

Demonstrates progress towards basic literacy in some of the following concepts and skills:

·Basic elements of art

·Principals of design

Understanding cultural influences

·Control of the media being used

Plan, create, critique and revise a piece of artwork

·Describing, interpreting, analyzing and evaluating artwork

Demonstrates an understanding of concepts and skills

 Demonstrates progress towards basic literacy in the following concepts and skills:

·Basic elements of art

·Principals of design

·Understanding cultural influences

·Control of the media being used

·Plan, create, critique and revise a piece of artwork

Describing, interpreting, analyzing and evaluating artwork

Demonstrates advanced literacy in the following concepts and skills:

·Basic elements of art

·Principals of design

·Understanding cultural influences

·Control of the media being used

 Plan, create, critique and revise a piece of artwork          

·Describing, interpreting, analyzing and evaluating artwork


·Appears to be still in progress


·Reflects adequate control of the media

·Basic craftsmanship

Demonstrates Creative Thinking

Artwork is…

·Thought out

·Developed throughout

Artwork is…


·Completely original

·Well thought out

·Thoroughly developed

·Student rarely meets the expectations for this marking period

·Student sometimes meets the expectations for this marking period

Listens to directions and follows rules

·Consistently listens in class

·Consistently able to focus on a given task

·Consistently respects rules and routines

·Always listens in class

·Always focuses on a given task

·Always respects rules and routines