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Nurse Overview

Important Health Information

TO REPORT AN ABSENCE: Please call the Nursing Office to report your child's absence.  When possible, please call prior to the start of the school day and leave a message stating your child's name, the date, teacher, and the reason for their absence.  E-mail reports are also acceptable with the same information no later than 9:00 am. Each time a child is absent, it should be reported.  Calling to report an absence is  essential to ensure your child is safe at home and adequate communication is kept between guardians and the school. 

HEALTH SCREENINGS: Health screenings will be conducted throughout the school year.  Please inform me in writing by September 22 if you do not wish for your child to be screened.  If your child is unable to pass the screening, a referral will be sent home.  

MEDICATIONS: As per Tenafly Board of Education Policy, both prescription and over the counter medications require both physician and parental consent prior to distribution in school.  Medications must be brought to the Nursing Office in the original label, not expired, and with the proper paper work.  Please refer to the medication policy file for further information from our district physician. No student is permitted to carry medication during school hours. All medications must be administered by the nurse in the health office. This also includes over the counter medications

ORTHOPEDIC INJURIES: If your child is injured and requires any type of assistive devices or physical education/recess restriction, a doctor's note must be brought to the Nursing Office describing how long the restriction/device is necessary, if the student can or cannot bear weight and any other relevant information.    


 In order to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all of the children in our Smith Community, we ask that your child be kept home if they are exhibiting certain symptoms:
-A fever over 100.0 degrees, controlled without a fever reducer. Students must be fever free for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
-Any vomiting or diarrhea during the night, in school 24 hours before or in the morning before school.
-Crusty, itchy, draining, red eyes.
-Any undiagnosed rash. Contact your physician if your child has a rash, skin irritation or skin lesion.Doctor's note on return to school that child is not contagious.
-Severe cold, sore throat or cough symptoms, with thick discolored drainage from nose.
-Students who are being treated with an antibiotic must complete 24 hours of treatment and be fever-free for at least 24 hours before returning to school

**Please notify the school nurse if your child is missing school or has been diagnosed with an infectious disease process @ 201-816-7718.